Ah! Well, I suppose this is where I tell you a little about myself, so… here goes.

I’m a full stack software developer living in St. Louis, Missouri. I began my professional career in 2013, although I’d been coding as a hobby since the early 90s starting with GW-BASIC, QuickBASIC, and then C++. Lately, it’s mostly been a mix of C#/.NET, NodeJS, AWS, and Terraform.

I enjoy all things code: algorithms, encryption, integration, scripting, hacking, console apps, desktop apps, web apps, mobile apps, API integrations, game development, microservices, data science, cloud computing, unit tests, code reviews, open source contribution, and so forth.

I also enjoy handheld twisty puzzles and tabletop RPGs. I play guitar, although not nearly as much as I used to. I’ve been in several jam bands over the years, and I’m a long-time Phish fan.